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Top 15 soluble fiber Rich foods for weight loss + their benefits

Top 15 soluble fiber Rich foods for weight loss + their benefits

soluble fiber for weight loss

What is fiber

Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. It helps keep you fuller for longer and even helps regulate blood sugar levels. It’s important to eat a variety of soluble fiber foods for weight loss. 

One study shows that most Americans consume only half the levels of recommended fiber per day, which is almost 15 grams per day. This may include trying new things such as quinoa, chickpeas, and black beans. Eating these types of food regularly can help lower cholesterol levels and support weight loss in some cases.

Healthy eating is important for everyone. If you’re not getting enough fiber, it can lead to constipation and other digestive problems. Remember it’s not just about the number of calories you are consuming; it’s also about what type of those calories come from.

Benefits of Fiber

Fiber aids with digestion and keeps our bowel movements regular. It also helps to lower cholesterol levels, which in turn can help reduce heart disease risk. The best part is that it’s easy to add more fiber to your diet!

The best way to stay healthy is by eating soluble fiber foods for weight loss.

What are types of fibers and why do they matter for your health

Not all fiber is created equal! There are two major types of fiber soluble and insoluble. You should be aiming to get both in your diet each day.

Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber is a type of dietary fiber that dissolves in water. It forms a gel-like substance inside your digestive tract that helps slow or prevent changes to your blood sugar levels after you eat. Slower digestion leaves you feeling fuller for longer than other foods do, helping with weight management.

Soluble fiber can also help lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and reduce risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure when eaten in combination with healthy lifestyle changes like lowering salt intake, exercising regularly and not smoking cigarettes.

Soluble fibers are commonly found in grains, fruit, vegetables, legumes and other high-fiber foods such as psyllium husks, lentils and beans.

Soluble fiber usually passes through the digestive system mostly unchanged until it reaches the large intestine. Once in the colon, water and other nutrients are absorbed.

Insoluble Fibre

Insoluble fiber is a type of dietary fiber. It cannot dissolve in water, so it passes through the digestive system unchanged. Meanwhile, insoluble fiber speeds up gastric movement and increases stomach emptying time.

It also works to decrease blood glucose levels and even helps with weight management since it expands inside your stomach, which can create a feeling of fullness. Insoluble fibers pass through our digestive tract more or less intact and get removed during defecation as waste.

Most common sources of insoluble fiber include whole-grain foods such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, bran cereals and vegetables like green beans, broccoli rabe, mushrooms and carrots.

The top 15 soluble fiber foods for weight loss

If you need to eat more fiber but are unsure of where to start, we have the perfect list for you. To get started on your journey towards better health, check out these 15 soluble fiber-rich foods.


Carrots are a good source of soluble fiber foods for weight loss, which can help lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. The soluble fiber in carrots helps prevent heart disease by regulating blood sugar levels.

The benefits of carrots as soluble fiber include increased weight loss, reduced risk for heart disease, and decreased risk for cancer. The soluble fiber in carrots also helps to regulate blood sugar levels, reduce diarrhea, and relieve constipation.

Eating more carrots will help you lose weight because it fills up your stomach without adding many calories. Carrots contain Vitamin A, which is important for eye health and immune system function.

Carrots are a good source of soluble fiber

How to Consume

  • You might want to get creative with how you incorporate them into your diet.
  • Try making some healthy carrot cake or adding them to the soup!
  • Carrots taste great raw or cooked – try roasting them with olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme!
  • One medium carrot contains about 3 grams of fiber and only 25 calories.
  • Eating one serving of carrots per day can provide your body with the necessary amount of soluble fibers it needs to function properly.

2.Black beans

It is widely believed that beans are a good source of soluble fiber. They’re high in iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, folate (B9), copper, and manganese. Research shows that switching to a fiber-rich and low-fat diet increase colonic folate contents in the body.

A half-cup of cooked black beans provides about 16 grams of fiber, which is 72 percent of the recommended daily value. Beans are also low in fat and contain no cholesterol.

Black beans can be used for many different dishes – soup, chili, burrito filling. You can also use black beans to make vegan cheese or tofu burgers.

Black beans

They are low on the glycemic index so they won’t spike your blood sugar levels as much as other types of legumes like red kidney beans.

How to Consume:

  • The best way to prepare them is by soaking them overnight before cooking them in a slow cooker with some onion and garlic until they’re soft enough that you can mash them up easily with a fork.
  • If you don’t have time to soak the black beans overnight then you could boil them for about an hour instead.
  • Alternatively, you could also buy canned black beans if you need something quick.
  • It’s important not to overcook the black bean because it will get too mushy when mashed up and lose its texture and flavor.


Almonds have been shown to have benefits for people with diabetes, heart problems, cancer and other health issues. The fat content in almonds is healthy because it’s unsaturated fat. Almond flour can be used in many different recipes such as almond cookies, banana muffins, and more.

Eating almonds may also lower your risk of developing diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity. In addition to being rich in soluble fiber, almonds also contain monounsaturated fats like oleic acid, which may help reduce inflammation from chronic diseases such as diabetes or arthritis.

Almonds also contain protein, vitamin E, copper, manganese, phosphorus and magnesium.

How to Consume:

  • The best way to consume almonds is raw or roasted.
  • Almonds can be used for making almond milk which is a good source of soluble foods for weight loss.
  • Roasting your almonds will give them a sweeter taste with less salt.
  • Eat the almond as is for a quick snack on the go or add it to oatmeal or salad.
  • Try adding some almond extract into your next batch of brownies for an extra flavor boost you can also grind up almonds in a food processor and make homemade flour out of them then use that flour in baked goods like bread, cookies, cakes, etc!
  • A 1/4 cup serving size contains about 4 grams of soluble fiber which is 20% DV (daily value) for adults over the age of 19 years old.

4.Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a great source of soluble fiber foods for weight loss, which can help lower cholesterol levels. Sweet potatoes contain more beta-carotene than any other food and are also rich in vitamin C and potassium.

How to consume:

  • They’re easy to prepare – simply wash them, slice them into pieces or wedges (depending on how you like them), wrap them in foil with some olive oil and salt, bake for 30 minutes.
  • When they’re done cooking, let cool slightly before eating.
  • You can also boil or steam your sweet potatoes instead of baking if you prefer that method
  • One medium baked sweet potato contains about 3 grams of soluble fiber, which is the equivalent to one serving of oatmeal.


Bananas are rich in soluble fiber, which helps with digestion. Bananas are a good choice for people who have digestive problems or allergies to wheat, gluten, and other grains.

Eating bananas can also help you avoid constipation by keeping your colon moving smoothly.

Bananas are also a great source of potassium, an electrolyte that is necessary for muscle growth and development.

How to Consume:

The best way to consume bananas is raw or cooked into baked goods such as muffins, cakes, or bread. But cooking them reduces their nutritional value due to the loss of vitamins A & C from prolonged exposure to heat.

One medium banana contains about 100 calories as well as potassium, vitamin C, B-6 and magnesium.


Flaxseeds are a good source of soluble fiber. Eating more soluble fiber can also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. The benefits don’t stop there – it’s also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to your skin and brain function!

Flaxseeds as soluble fiber

How to Consume:

  • Flax seeds are easy to incorporate into your diet by adding them to smoothies, oatmeal, or salads.
  • Ground flaxseeds can be added into recipes like brownies or muffins to add more fiber without changing the taste.
  • You can also sprinkle them on top of yogurt or cereal as a topping for breakfast!
  • You can purchase ground flaxseed at most grocery stores or buy whole ones that you grind yourself in the blender before eating
  • One tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains about 3 grams of soluble fiber. For best results eat at least 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed per day.
  • Try substituting some regular flour with ground flaxseed for an extra health boost!

7. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great way to start the day with an energizing breakfast. Eating oatmeal can help you lose weight and lower cholesterol. Oats are rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce oxidative stress on your body.

Soluble fiber found in oats is also beneficial for heart health as it lowers LDL or “bad” cholesterol while raising HDL or “good” cholesterol.

Eating oatmeal will keep you fuller longer because of its slow-release carbohydrates so you won’t be hungry until lunchtime!

Oatmeal as soluble fiber

Other benefits include digestive health, protection against colon cancer, improved bone health and reduced inflammation in the body.

Oats are naturally gluten-free so they’re a great option for people with celiac disease or those who have an intolerance to gluten.

In addition to being a good source of protein, oats also provide the body with iron, calcium and vitamin B6.

How To consume:

  • Add them to your diet by adding oats to your morning smoothie or eating oatmeal for breakfast
  • Try mixing in some cinnamon or apple sauce if you want an added flavor boost!
  • You can also try making overnight oats – just mix together rolled oats with milk (or any other liquid), the fruit of choice (bananas work best!), sweetener of choice (honey is always delicious!) and let it soak overnight in the fridge! The next day all you’ll need to do is grab a spoon!
  • If you don’t have time for breakfast in the morning but still want something nutritious on the go then make sure to pack some instant oatmeal packets into your bag before heading out the door so that when hunger strikes at 11 am there’s no excuse not to eat healthy food!
  • A bowl of oatmeal provides you with about 6 grams of protein – that’s as much as a chicken breast!

8.Dried Apricots

Dried apricots have fewer calories than fresh apricots, making them the better choice for those who want to take soluble fiber foods for weight loss. Dried Apricot benefits include improved digestion, prevention of constipation, and prevention against colon cancer because they can bind toxins from the intestine walls and prevent carcinogens from binding with DNA through their antioxidant properties.

Dried apricots are high in iron which helps maintain healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen to all parts of your body. Apricots contain vitamins A, C, E which promote good vision and skin health.

How to Consume:

  • Enjoy apricots as part of your breakfast with yogurt or oatmeal
  • Add them to salads for a refreshing crunchy texture
  • Mix them into sauces for pasta dishes or chicken
  • Bake them into desserts like muffins, cakes, and bread
  • Mix with nuts for a quick snack
  • Make Apricot Sauce by cooking down apricots in water until they are tender and then adding honey or sugar (optional)
  • Blend into smoothies for another way to get the nutrients without having chunks of fruit in your drink.


Raisins are a healthy snack. They help regulate blood sugar levels. The fiber content is great for your digestive system and weight loss. Eating raisins can help you lose weight by reducing appetite cravings for unhealthy foods.

Raisins are good potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and copper – all nutrients that we need for health! 


How to consume:

  • You can eat them on their own or add them to other foods, like oatmeal or yogurt
  • It’s easy to take raisins with you when traveling because they don’t need refrigeration
  • These health benefits make raisins a great snack option for people on the go or with busy schedules because they’re easy to store in your purse or desk drawer at work.
  • One ounce of dried raisins has about 3 grams of soluble fiber, which is the same amount found in one cup (8 ounces) of cooked oatmeal.
  • The recommended daily intake for adults should be 25-30 grams per day, but most people only consume around 15-18 grams per day.

10. Pineapple

Pineapple is an excellent source of soluble fiber. Adding fresh pineapple to your diet will provide you with many nutrients including vitamin C, manganese, copper, potassium and bromelain (an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory properties). Eating pineapple with other healthy foods like leafy greens or beans will provide you more benefits than eating it alone.

How to Consume:

  • The easy way to eat more pineapples is by adding them as part of your breakfast routine! Add some chopped-up pineapple on top of oatmeal or yogurt for a delicious morning treat!
  • Place a few slices of pineapple on a dish or plate, depending on how much you want to eat at one time
  • Add some fresh fruit like cantaloupe, honeydews, strawberries, or grapes for extra flavor and nutrients if desired.

11.Berries Amongst Best Soluble Fiber Foods For Weight Loss

Berries are a great way to get soluble fiber into your diet. The nutrients found in berries promote the healthy aging of cells and tissues throughout the body. Berries contain antioxidants that may reduce inflammation in the body. Consuming berries as a part of a healthy diet can contribute to weight loss goals by providing you with natural sweetness without the added sugar found in other foods.

Blueberries have been shown to increase brain function by increasing blood flow to the brain and improving memory recall.

Berry season lasts from late spring until early fall, so enjoy these fruits while they last!

Raspberries contain 10% more fiber than other types of berries so they’re perfect to replace high-sugar snacks with something that will fill you up without packing on any pounds.

Berries are a great way to get soluble fiber

How to consume berries as soluble fiber foods for weight loss:

  • Mix them in your favorite salad recipe for an extra punch of flavor
  • Bake them into muffins, pies, or tarts as a dessert
  • Add strawberries to your favorite smoothie for some sweet fruitiness
  • Freeze raspberries on top of ice cream or sorbet for a cold treat that tastes like summer all year long!
  • The serving size of berries is only about 1/2 cup and contains just under 20 calories.
  • One cup of strawberries provides about 60% of your daily vitamin C needs, making them an excellent choice for breakfast or as a snack.


Pear is high in vitamins K, and B6, which helps with bone strength and cell production. Pears also contain pectin and other health-boosting antioxidants. Eating pears may reduce the risk of colon cancer due to their high content of polyphenols which reduces inflammation in the body. They’re high in vitamin C, which helps to strengthen your immune system against colds and the flu.

Pears also contain potassium to regulate the heart rate and sodium for proper muscle function.

How To consume:

  • There are many ways to eat them – try cutting them into slices with some cheese for an easy appetizer or add them to your oatmeal for breakfast.
  • You can use pears as an ingredient in many recipes, including pies, salads, smoothies, and more!
  • Low in calories but high in nutrients – they make an excellent snack or dessert option!
  • The best time to buy pears is when they’re ripe because they’ll be sweeter.


Apple fiber is a soluble fiber that helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. Apples are also high in antioxidants and may help reduce the risk of cancer. Fiber from apples can help you feel full, which can lead to weight loss. Apples contain vitamin C, potassium, and other nutrients that are important for your health. The skin of an apple contains flavonoids with antioxidant properties.

How To consume:

  • Drink apple juice.
  • Make an apple pie.
  • Cook apples in a pot to make a sauce or syrup for ice cream, pancakes, or waffles.
  • Eating an apple at least once per day will give you more benefits than eating any other fruit or vegetable because it’s so rich in nutrients.

14. Lentils

Lentils have many health benefits not just for digestive health – they’re also an excellent source of protein and folate, among others. Lentils are nutrient-rich food that can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Studies show that eating just three servings of legumes per week can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering total and bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol. Lentils are a great source of protein, iron and fiber.


How to consume:

  • Soak lentils for at least 4 hours to reduce cooking time
  • Rinse thoroughly before soaking them in water
  • Add more water than you think is necessary – it’s better to have too much than not enough
  • Cook on low heat with small chunks of onion, garlic and ginger until they’re soft
  • Serve with rice or naan bread.
  • Add more flavor to your meals by adding spices like cumin, paprika, coriander, turmeric, or curry powder
  • Cook them with onion and garlic for extra flavor
  • One cup of cooked lentils provides about 18 grams of dietary fiber and 15% of the recommended daily intake for folate (vitamin B9)

15. Avocados

Avocados are a great source of soluble fiber foods for weight loss, which helps keep cholesterol levels in check. They also provide healthy fats and other nutrients that can help maintain your energy level. The avocado is a nutrient-rich food that contains potassium, vitamin E, B6, and folate.


How to Consume:

  • Avocados are a versatile food – they taste great on salads, but you can also use them as an alternative to butter or mayonnaise
  • You don’t need to eat avocadoes every day for their benefits – just include them occasionally in your diet so it doesn’t become too much of one thing
  • If you’re looking for the healthiest way to get more avocados in your life, consider adding avocado oil to your cooking routine
  • For those who don’t like avocado’s natural flavor, try blending it with some fruit juice and ice cubes instead of water when making smoothies
  • There’s no need for salt or oil when eating an avocado – it tastes delicious on its own!
  • When choosing what type of avocado to buy at the grocery store, look for ones with dark skin because they’re usually ripe enough to eat right away!

The Final Thoughts

The benefits of soluble fiber for weight loss are plentiful. With a diet rich in foods high in soluble fiber, you’ll find that your blood sugar levels will be more stable and you won’t experience as many spikes or dips after eating.

This can lead to fewer hunger pangs throughout the day which makes it easier to stick with a healthy eating plan long-term. But don’t take our word for it – try incorporating these 15 soluble fiber-rich foods into your regular diet this week and see if they make any difference!

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